[最も好ましい] 120mm tank round weight 147892-120mm tank round weight
It should be fairly powerful, This is more to do with the projectile length than the 10 mm increase in caliber The Rhienmetall 1mm is a necked down version of their original 140mm The cases are actually the same diameter and since sub caliber pThe round weighs 9 kg (46 lb) and has an overall length of 984 mm (387 in) 79 kg (17 lb) of JA 19 propellant create a chamber pressure of 5,600 bar which leads to a muzzle velocity 1,575 m/s (5,170 ft/s) The 684 mm (269 in) penetrator weighs together with the sabot 9 kg ( lb) The weight of the penetrator alone is 46 kg (10 lb)1mm Tank Ammunition General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems – Canada (GDOTS – Canada) is one of the world's leading suppliers of largecalibre tank ammunition The company's globally acclaimed 1mm tank ammunition combines tremendous firepower with technological advancements to provide unsurpassed combat effectiveness M0a1 Heat High Explosive Anti Tank 120mm tank round weight