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MAME (an acronym of Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) is a free and open source emulator designed to recreate the hardware of arcade game systems in software on modern personal computers and other platforms The intention is to preserve gaming history by preventing vintage games from being lost or forgotten赤刃 雅佳武士刀 Akai Katana (10/ 8/13 MASTER VER)新街机模拟器mame0192支持飞行射击类akatanazip街机游戏 超级大满贯2ROM 写真天蚕变2版 猜你喜欢"武侠单机游戏排行榜" 大小:70 MB 系统:未知 类型:mame支持romFeb 27, 19 · DrunKymaster for Akai Katana you can use Mame emulator, is the same game and works good For Homura you can download in here The game working good, the player 2 dont respond but you can play it alone Shmups System11 Org View Topic Akai Katana Has Been Added To The Mame Source Akai katana mame rom
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